Cooper Lamp Shades Where Can I Go To Have My Frederick Cooper Lamps Repaired?

Where can I go to have my Frederick Cooper lamps repaired? - cooper lamp shades

I have two lamps by Frederick Cooper has given me 10 years ago. His style chandelier. You will need a harp, so that the shadows can be connected, one has a harp, but it must also continue in the fictional accounts of silk. For lamps Cooper did not serve to common parts where I can sell these harps and even in the shade have a job? I'm in Chicago, but I would be willing to work with any business, even if they were there.


Donna said...

Frederick Cooper Lamp Nice! (I have to sell lighting)

If you feel good go buy a kit of the lamp. This will have a new socket and harp with cable and connector. Try lighting in a store or a place of power for it.

Can be for the shadow, made more difficult. Some are seamstresses in the shade, but it is hard to find. Experiments, a design firm on this issue.

Good luck with the recovery!

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