Wound Care Education What Are Your Top Four Issues This Upcoming Election?

What are your top four issues this upcoming election? - wound care education

Mine are
1) = overcrowding of the world urgently needed to the growth of the world, education, birth control, slowing only two children per family.
2) = all business tax breaks for companies granted end offshore tax havens, the benefits of donation, then give more money for health, education, housing, agriculture, environment.
3) environment = reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce oil consumption by 25% over the next 20 years, clean air, water, etc., signing of the Kyoto Protocol, the creation of alternative energy sources, wind, solar, tidal, hydro, geothermal, etc.
4) International Relations = end of the Iraq war, the end of the neo-conservative, support and respect of the international community to more wars of aggression, end all acts of torture, the water of embarkation, the sites of the CIA black habeaus the Patriot Act, illegal wiretapping, the suspension of the human corpus Grand Finale of the control of the government.


Redhawk said...

1) National Energy Policy: What's Next power our cars? We must continue on the same page, and is growing faster than demand, and oil seems to be close to peak oil. "
2) the economy. Help for the middle class. With well-paying jobs here in America. Of course, my socks are cheap if they come from China ... But we need jobs
3) the environment. We only have one planet, the United States is a leading industrial nation, and we need to be a leader in preserving the world for future generations
4) Bring us the hell out of Iraq. They had more to do with 9 / 11 is that Venezuela (both dictators who dislike the United States, and both have oil) ... In fact, we published several countries. We have only 6% of world population, we can not wait for the police in the world. That does not make us weak, or ... When was the last time someone upset with Canada or Sweden?

Robin S said...

1) reducing the number of abortions.
2) the strengthening of restrictions on the supply of arms and violence, especially weapons.
3) Please do not take more money to give my share of taxes and the poor. I will give to the poor, as I can afford.
4) Please note my family and my safety by continuing the war against terrorism, but we hope to stabilize Iraq and in a position to overthrow the Iraqi general if necessary.

hooru said...

Economy: the education of children about wealth and expenditure of the school. Give them the training money, pay taxes and spending and save. This is the root sdult the young generation to start their own path to prosperity. Also dependnce end our foreign oil.

Environment: Alternative energy sources, better guardians for the food industry as a statutory provision prohibiting the refined foods, the prohibition of pesticides and artificial in our products healthier, antiseptics and human behavior in the meat industry.

International relations: an end to this war! I went with him.

Illegal immigration: no papers, no recording, no joke.

kinnetic... said...

1 - National Security - Make sure that the United States remains strong and confident.

2 - Economy - check that have not signed the Kyoto Protocol, you should never act stupid fight against poverty around the world come to maturity and get our economy back on solid ground.

3 - Government - to reduce the size of the federal government 25 percent more than 4 years. The 15 percent in the first year. Kill each affected program and reckless spending. Roll back the No Child Left Behind.

4 - International Relations - peace through strength. No negotiations with Iran, Venezuela or North Korea, do not try to understand something about Al Qaeda, it was like, and how they kill.

Michael Q said...

1. Economy - reducing the national debt.
2. Public health - and therefore affordable for all without burdening the taxpayers.
3. Education - to fix this broken mess.
4. The war in Iraq - you as quickly and successfully.

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