Canoe Float Bags Missouri River Regulations, Can Some One Just Float Down The River In A Canoe?

Missouri river regulations, can some one just float down the river in a canoe? - canoe float bags

Me and a friend want on the Missouri River in a canoe 12 feet for a night or two to go, is allowed. would be very dangerous, even if they are good swimmers and would Waring, that the West the whole time. How many are in the dams. Do you have suggestions.


raypcdr said...

May, but subject to safety requirements .... PFD, whistle or horn and a fire extinguisher. It is also necessary, torches, take a radio and be aware that you are not in water overnight.

Good luck, I hope you do not read about in the news. The river is ugly, and there are a lot of debris floating on the water. Due to the amount of rainfall this year, you are interesting in a course.

Hey You said...

Ask for the Department of Transportation. It would be good if the boat has all safety equipment.

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